Amin Ahmad — CEO, ZIR.AI (now — Algolia / Elasticsearch-like search product on neural search principles

Dmitry Kan
2 min readFeb 20, 2022

Amin Ahmad, Former NLP researcher at Google, who developed projects like Google Talk To Books, shared with me his journey in his startup called ZIR.AI (now— building Algolia / Elasticsearch-like search product on neural search principles.

Amin Ahmad, Founder and CEO, ZIR.AI on Vector Podcast with Dmitry Kan

In this episode you will learn what it takes to productionize a neural search system, including aspects of model distillation and SLA guarantees, as well as data augmentation. We also spoke about the vector search as an industry at large and Search Engineer profession transformation with neural search in the game. And of course quite a few papers were mentioned — all in show notes for your study. I’m hoping these episodes are educational, as they are fun to watch.

Be sure to check out the show notes to get a discount code for an extended trial of the ZIR.AI (now search platform for your documents.


00:00 Intro

00:54 Amin’s background at Google Research and affinity to NLP and vector search field

05:28 Main focus areas of ZIR.AI in neural search

07:26 Does the company offer neural network training to clients? Other support provided with ranking and document format conversions

08:51 Usage of open source vs developing own tech

10:17 The core of ZIR.AI product

14:36 API support, communication protocols and P95/P99 SLAs, dedicated pools of encoders

17:13 Speeding up single node / single customer throughput and challenge of productionizing off the shelf models, like BERT

23:01 Distilling transformer models and why it can be out of reach of smaller companies

25:07 Techniques for data augmentation from Amin’s and Dmitry’s practice (key search team: margin loss)

30:03 Vector search algorithms used in ZIR.AI and the need for boolean logic in company’s client base

33:51 Dynamics of open source in vector search space and cloud players: Google, Amazon, Microsoft

36:03 Implementing a multilingual search with BM25 vs neural search and impact on business

38:56 Is vector search a hype similar to big data few years ago? Prediction for vector search algorithms influence relations databases

43:09 Is there a need to combine BM25 with neural search? Ideas from Amin and features offered in ZIR.AI product

51:31 Increasing the robustness of search — or simply making it to work

55:10 How will Search Engineer profession change with neural search in the game?



Dmitry Kan

Founder and host of Vector Podcast, tech team lead, software engineer, manager, but also: cat lover and cyclist. Host: