Implementing own LuceneQParserPlugin for Apache Solr

Dmitry Kan
3 min readOct 9, 2024


This re-blog will be a hard one, but I find such topics fascinating and intellectually stimulating. Here it goes, originally published 31 March 2014 on Blogger.

Whenever you need to implement a query parser in Solr, you start by sub-classing the LuceneQParserPlugin:

public class MyGroundShakingQueryParser 
extends LuceneQParserPlugin {
public QParser createParser(String qstr,
SolrParams localParams,
SolrParams params,
SolrQueryRequest req) {}

In this way you will reuse the underlining functionality and the parser of LuceneQParserPlugin. The grammar of the parser is defined in QueryParser.jj file inside Lucene/Solr source code tree.

The grammar that QueryParser.jj uses is BNF. The JavaCC tool (the original link isn’t available anymore, but this one works) implements parsing of such grammars and produces the java code for you. The produced code is effectively a parser with built-in validation etc.

In Solr there is its own version of LuceneQParserPlugin: it is called QParserPlugin and in fact it pretty much implements almost the same functionality as its counterpart.

There could be use cases for customization of the lucene parsing grammar (stored in QueryParser.jj). Once the customization is done (let’s rename the jj file to GroundShakingQueryParser.jj), we invoke the javacc tool and it produces a and supplementary classes. In order to wire it into the Solr we need to do a few things. The final class inter-play is shown on the class diagram:

Class diagram of dependencies of parsers on different levels

Going bottom up:

1. You implement your custom logic in GroundShakingQueryParser.jj that produces Make sure the class extends SolrQueryParserBase.

2. To wire this into Solr, we need to extend the GroundShakingQueryParser class in GroundShakingSolrQueryParser class.

* Solr's default query parser, a schema-driven superset of the classic lucene query parser.
* It extends the query parser class with modified grammar stored in GroundShakingQueryParser.jj.
public class GroundShakingSolrQueryParser extends GroundShakingQueryParser {
public GroundShakingSolrQueryParser(QParser parser, String defaultField) {
super(parser.getReq().getCore().getSolrConfig().luceneMatchVersion, defaultField, parser);

3. An instance of GroundShakingSolrQueryParser is acquired in the GroundShakingLuceneQParser class.

class GroundShakingLuceneQParser extends QParser {
GroundShakingSolrQueryParser lparser;

public GroundShakingLuceneQParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams, SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {
super(qstr, localParams, params, req);

public Query parse() throws SyntaxError {
String qstr = getString();
if (qstr == null || qstr.length()==0) return null;
String defaultField = getParam(CommonParams.DF);
if (defaultField==null) {
defaultField = getReq().getSchema().getDefaultSearchFieldName();
lparser = new GroundShakingSolrQueryParser(this, defaultField);
return lparser.parse(qstr);

public String[] getDefaultHighlightFields() {
return lparser == null ? new String[]{} : new String[]{lparser.getDefaultField()};

4. GroundShakingLuceneQParser is wired into GroundShakingQParserPlugin that extends the aforementioned QParserPlugin.

public class GroundShakingQParserPlugin extends QParserPlugin {
public static String NAME = "lucene";

public void init(NamedList args) {
public QParser createParser(String qstr, SolrParams localParams, SolrParams params, SolrQueryRequest req) {
return new GroundShakingLuceneQParser(qstr, localParams, params, req);

5. Now we have our custom GroundShakingLuceneQParser which can be directly extended in our MyGroundShakingQueryParser!

public class MyGroundShakingQueryParser 
extends GroundShakingLuceneQParserPlugin {
public QParser createParser(String qstr,
SolrParams localParams,
SolrParams params,
SolrQueryRequest req) {}

To register the MyGroundShakingQueryParser in Solr, you need to add the following line into solrconfig.xml:

<queryparser class="com.groundshaking.MyGroundShakingQueryParser" name="groundshakingqparser"/ >

To use it, just specify the name in the


as a query parameter when querying Solr.

By the way, one convenience of this implementation is that we can deploy the above classes in a jar under Solr core’s lib directory. This means, we do not need to overhaul solr source code and deal with deploying some “custom” Solr shards.



Dmitry Kan

Founder and host of Vector Podcast, tech team lead, software engineer, manager, but also: cat lover and cyclist. Host: